YSL Beauty

YSL Beauty

Influencer kampagne


Increase audience engagement in a fashion context.



A combined event and influencer campaign during Copenhagen Fashion Week.

See case video.


KPIs, Instagram posts

#yslbeauty 100%

#paid = 79%

@yslbeauty = 88%

Brand name visable = 96%


Instagram stories have contributed by 88% of earned value.

This is due to the amount of non-paid stories, which has been the main media for non-paid influencers.

Non-paid has contributed with 70% of earned value and is the main factor for the good results.

However, the paid posts have driven the non-paid earned value by 2.4 times of paid earned value.


Total earned value is 80% higher than total costs.

When paid content has produced 100 kr earned value, Non-paid has produced 240 kr earned value. That is an increase of 140%